联系方式:E-mail: guohx@mnnu.edu.cn; QQ: 43215372
1. 2008年获“漳州青年科技奖”;
2. 2008年第五届中国青少年科技创新奖(获奖学生:梁敏),指导老师;
3. 2009年获漳州师院第三届青年教师课堂教学比赛“教学十佳”称号;
4. 2012-2013学年获闽南师范大学本科课堂教学比赛一等奖;
5. 2012-2013 获闽南师大化学与环境学院“优秀共产党员”称号;
6. 2014年获第11届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(颁奖机构:福建省科学技术协会、福建省科学技术厅和福建省教育厅);
7. 2019年10月获闽南师范大学“不忘初心,牢记使命,锐意进取,开拓创新”微型党课大赛优秀奖,中共闽南师范大学委员会;
8. 2020年12月《从网络疫情段子感悟“四个自信”》荣获福建省教育工委党建“三个好”之“书记好党课”(十佳)
9. 《海纳----超级电容器储蓄电池》,第12届“挑战杯”福建省大学生创新创业计划竞赛铜奖,林锦鹏,牛百通,杨娇,赵萌萌等
10. “党建引领+课程思政”双轮驱动“12345”创新创业人才培养模式探索与实践,2022年闽南师范大学教学成果奖校级二等奖,排名第一
1. 2013.8-2016.12多功能绿色纳米瓷的开发与应用,福建省科技厅重点科技项目,2013H0053,主持;
2. 2017.8-2020.6基于有机-无机框架化合物微-纳米结构复合光催化剂降解酚类污染物,福建省自然科学基金,2017J01420,主持;
3. 2020.8-2023.6 基于微纳结构有机-无机框架电化学传感器构建及在食品中重金属离子检测上的应用, 福建省自然科学基金, 2020J01803, 主持
1, Chenghao Xie , Huan Li , Baitong Niu , Hongxu Guo*, Xiumei Lin*, Comparison of ultrasonic vs mechanochemistry methods for fabrication of mixed-ligand Zn-based MOFs for electrochemical determination of luteolin, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 989 : 174363.
2, Minmin Liu , Baitong Niu, Xiaoye Chen, Xiumei Lin, Zhangxu Chen, Hongxu Guo*, One-step simple calcination of Ni@C(N) core-shell microspheres: Catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol, supercapacitor and electrocatalytic hydrogen production, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 937: 168467.
3, Baitong Niu, Minmin Liu, Xinlou Li, Hongxu Guo,* and Zhangxu Chen,Vein-like Ni-BTC@Ni3S4 with sulfur vacancy and Ni3+ fabricated in situ etching vulcanization strategy for an electrochemical sensor of dopamine, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15: 13319−13331.
4, Baitong Niu, Xinlou Li, Wangnan Xia, Yiwei Wu, Shaoming Ying, Hongxu Guo*, Ag@Ni3(BTC)2 microspheres showing high electrochemical activity and their application as supercapacitors and electrochemical sensors, Synthetic Metals, 2022, 287: 117073.
5, Baitong Niu, Biying Yao, Meihua Zhu, Hongxu Guo*, Shaoming Ying, Zhangxu Chen, Carbon paste electrode modified with fern leave-like MIL-47(as) for electrochemical simultaneous detection of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Hg(II), Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2021, 886 :115121.
6, Minmin Liu, Baitong Niu, Hongxu Guo*, Shaoming Ying, Zhangxu Chen, Simple preparation of g-C3N4@Ni3C nanosheets and its application in supercapacitor electrode materials, hydrogengeneration via NaBH4 hydrolysis and reduction of p-nitrophenol, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2021, 130: 108687.
7, Baitong Niu, Meihua Zhu, Hongxu Guo*, Shaoming Ying, Xuguang Huang, Simple fabrication of a hexagonal prisms with hexagonal pyramid tips V2O5@MOF(V, Co) and its application as electrochemical sensor for Pb2+, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2021, 133: 108966.
8, Hongxu Guo*, Baitong Niu, Xuemin Wu, Yi Zhang, Shaoming Ying, Effective removal of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol over hexagonal metal–organic framework NH2- MIL-88B(Fe), Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, 33(1): e4580.
9, Yiwei Wu, Xuemin Wu, Baitong Niu, Yanping Zeng, Meihua Zhu, Hongxu Guo*, Facile fabrication of Ag2(bdc)@Ag nano-composites with strong green emissionand their response to sulfide anion in aqueous medium, Sensors and Actuators B, 2018, 255: 3163–3169.
10, Hongxu Guo*, Yanhui Zhang, Zishan Zheng, Haibin Lin, Yi Zhang, Facile one-pot fabrication of Ag@MOF(Ag) nanocomposites for highly selective detection of 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol in aqueous phase, Talanta, 2017, 170: 146–151.
11, Hongxu Guo*, Zishan Zheng, Yanhui Zhang, Haibin Lin, Qingbo Xu, Highly selective detection of Pb2+ by a nanoscale Ni-based metal–organic framework fabricated through one-pot hydrothermal reaction, Sensors and Actuators B, 2017, 248: 430–436.
12, Hongxu Guo*, Dongfang Wang, Jianhua Chen, Wen Weng, Minqiang Huang, Zishan Zheng, Simple fabrication of flake-like NH2-MIL-53(Cr) and its application as an electrochemical sensor for the detection of Pb2+, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 289: 479–485.
1, 李硕硕,王锋,郭鸿旭*, 基于初中化学育人元素的挖掘——以“二氧化碳综合利用”主题为例, 教育界, 2021, 21: 68-69+88.
2, 郑淑慧,王锋,郭鸿旭*, 基于宏观辨识与微观探析的教学逻辑案例分析——以“进一步认识氧化还原反应”为例, 理科考试研究, 2021, 28(17): 54-58.
1. 郭鸿旭,郑子山,铝离子比色传感器制备工艺及检测方法, 2016年3月, 专利号:ZL 201310085798.X
2. 郭鸿旭, 陈建华, 张燕辉, 郑子山,一种纳米多孔三硝基苯酚吸附剂及其制备与吸附方法,2019年11月26日,专利号:ZL201710027399.6
3. 郭鸿旭,张燕辉,王东方,一种汞离子比色传感器及其制备方法和应用,2020年4月7日,专利号:ZL201710583549.1
4. 郭鸿旭,巫学敏,牛百通,张燕辉,三氧化二钒负载纳米镍、制备方法及其制备的电极材料和超级电容器,2020年9月29日,专利号:ZL 201811182755.2
5. 郭鸿旭,牛百通,陈煌燃,张燕辉,一种多钒酸盐有机-无机杂化材料纳米微球及其制备方法,2020年10月23日,专利号:ZL 201810042119.3
6. 郭鸿旭,何娜婷,牛百通,吴屹伟,朱梅花,张燕辉,郑子山,一种固相微波法合成掺杂氮硫的碳纳米球、制备方法及其应用,2021年10月29日,专利号:ZL201810429712.3