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倪建聪,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,漳州市高层次人才,闽南师范大学学术骨干。主要从事分析化学研究和中小学教师培养培训工作,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目9项。主要研究方向为化学与生物传感分析新技术(电化学发光、电分析、荧光等方向)及在疾病标志物、食品和环境污染物的应用,发表研究论文30多篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者在美国化学会Analytical ChemistryJCR I区的顶级期刊10






1. 2024.01-2027.12,国家自然科学基金(面上项目,NO. 22376089):纳米均孔膜-双极电极电化学发光传感构建及环境中抗性基因的检测研究,50万,主持;

2. 2021.11-2024.11,福建省自然科学基金(面上项目,NO. 2021J01991):基于界面电荷调控的均相DNA电致化学发光生物传感研究,7万,主持;

3. 2021.10-2024.08,福建省市场监督管理局科技项目(NO.FJMS2021037):智能均相电化学核酸传感检测海洋毒素,39.6万,主持;

4. 2018.04-2021.04,福建省自然科学基金(面上项目,NO.2018J01436):基于静电作用的均相DNA电致化学发光生物传感器的构建及应用,8万,主持;

5. 2019.05-2024.05,闽南师范大学校长基金(NO.L219464万,主持;


1. Conductivity-Regulated Bipolar Electrochemiluminescence Sensing Platform for Indicator-Free Homogeneous Bioassay. Analytical Chemistry, 2025, 97: 921.

2. Electrochemiluminescence Detecting and Imaging of Yeast Metabolism Indicated by Endogenetic Co-reactant. Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96:12577.

3. Electrolytic growth of phenyl‑modified silica isoporous membrane for non‑polar extraction and electrochemical detection of pentachloronitrobenzene. Microchimica Acta, 2024, 191:625

4. Electrophoretic deposition of Ru(bpy)32+ in vertically-ordered silica nanochannels: A solid-state electrochemiluminescence sensor for prolidase assay. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024, 247:115967.

5.Competitive substitution in europium metal–organic gel for signal-on electrochemiluminescence detection of dipicolinic acid. Microchimica Acta, 2023, 190:426.

6. From signal amplification to restrained background: Magnetic graphene oxide assisted homogeneous electrochemiluminescence aptasensor for highly sensitive detection of okadaic acid, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 327: 128872

7. Metal-enhanced fluorometric formaldehyde assay based on the use of in-situ grown silver nanoparticles on silica-encapsulated carbon dots [J]. Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187: 137.

8. Homogeneous Electrochemiluminescence Biosensor for the Detection of RNase A Activity and Its Inhibitor. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91: 14751.

9. DNAzyme-based Y-shaped label-free electrochemiluminescent biosensor for lead using electrically heated indium-tin-oxide electrode for in situ temperature control. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 289: 78.

10. Homogeneous and label-free electrochemiluminescence aptasensor based on the difference of electrostatic interaction and exonuclease-assisted target recycling amplification. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 105: 182.

11. Immobilization free electrochemical biosensor for folate receptor in cancer cells based on terminal protection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 86: 496.


1. 2024年指导本科生获第十三届挑战杯福建省赛区银奖;

2. 2024年指导研究生获福建省田家炳获得优秀教学设计奖;

3. 2022年指导研究生获福建省首届研究生科普创新教育大赛一等奖

4. 2022年指导本科生获第七届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖;第七届创客中国福建省第五届创响福建三等奖

5. 2021年指导本科生获第六届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖

6. 2020年指导研究生获福建省首届硕士技能大赛一等奖并获优秀指导教师称号;

7. 2020年指导本科生获第十一届挑战杯福建省赛区铜奖、 第七届创青春福建省创新创业大赛二等奖、 福建省第二届返乡大学生创新创业大赛发展贡献奖;

8. 2019年获福州大学优秀博士学位论文、综合优秀学业特等奖学金、中期优秀学业一等奖学金。
