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序号 名称 刊物/论文集名称 第一作者 通讯作者 发表日期 中科院分区
1 Oxidative lactonization of C(sp3)–H bond in methyl aromatic alcohols enabled by proton-coupled electron transfer Science China Chemistry 陈珊怡 蔡顺有 2022-08-01 一区
2 Photocatalytic dehydrogenated etherification of 2-aryl benzylic alcohols Green Chemistry 梁志辉 蔡顺有 2022-10-03 一区
3 Visible-Light-Enabled Allylic CH Oxidation: Metal-free Photocatalytic Generation of Enones ACS Catalysis 刘超 蔡顺有 2022-01-21 一区
4 LDH-assisted growth of FeCo bimetal-MOF nanorods for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution RSC Advances 汤琳 蔡志雄 2022-09-05 三区
5 2D mesoporous silica-confined CsPbBr3 nanocrystals and N-doped graphene quantum dot A self-enhanced quaternary composite structures for electrochemiluminescence analysis Biosensors and Bioelectronics 韦金柳 蔡志雄 2022-11-15 一区
6 Facile fabrication of self-supporting porous CuMoO4@Co3O4 nanosheets as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for efficient overall water splitting† DALTON TRANSACTIONS 代菲菲 陈建华 2022-08-02 二区
7 S-ZIF-8/PEBA/ZIF-8 pervaporation membrane with in situ growing of ZIF-8 active layer on the surface owing outstanding phenol enrichment performance Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 方丽君 陈建华 2022-04-19 三区
8 Collaborative Improvement Electrochemical Properties of Supercapacitor Electrodes by Loading MoS2 Nanosheets on Biomass Hierarchical Porous Carbon JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 林巧靖 陈建华 2022-02-01 四区
9 A dual-confinement strategy to construct cobalt-based phosphide nanoclusters within carbon nanofibers for bifunctional water splitting electrocatalysts DALTON TRANSACTIONS 陈杰 陈杰 2022-02-27 二区
10 NiFe-植酸复合物的室温制备及其全解水电催化性能[J/OL] 复合材料学报 陈莹玉 高凤 2022-03-27 中国科技期刊卓越行动计划入选期刊
11 Ag@Ni3(BTC)2 microspheres showing high electrochemical activity and their application as supercapacitors and electrochemical sensors Synthetic Metals 牛百通 郭鸿旭 2022-03-31 三区
12 Highly efficient noble metal-free g-C3N4@NixSy nanocomposite for catalytic reduction of nitrophenol, azo dyes and Cr(VI) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 牛百通 郭鸿旭 2022-08-01 四区
13 琥珀酸构建具有超级电容器性能的混合金属有机骨架 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 牛百通 郭鸿旭 2022-05-10 四区
14 金属有机骨架NiBTC 和NiBDC 的溶剂效应 形貌调控及超级电容器性能 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 牛百通 郭鸿旭 2022-08-04 四区
15 Carboxylated-covalent organic frameworks and chitosan assembled membranes for precise and efficient dye separation Journal of Membrane Science 林孝赓 何亚三 2022-12-05 一区
16 铜离子对苯水相二次有机气溶胶化学组分和光学特性的影响研究 环境科学学报 王伟超 黄明强 2022-07-01 其它校定A类期刊
17 在线表征萘二次有机气溶胶硝基多环芳烃 中国环境科学 胡惠敏 黄明强 2022-07-15 EI,CSCD
18 Experimental study on the imidazoles of aqueous secondary organic aerosol formed from reaction of methylglyoxal and ammonium sulphate Atmospheric Pollution Research 朱敏聪 黄明强 2022-09-01 三区
19 Characterization of imidazole compounds in aqueous secondary organic aerosol generated from evaporation of droplets containing pyruvaldehyde and inorganic ammonium Atmosphere 林昕 黄明强 2022-06-15 四区
20 Responses of nickel bioavailability and toxicity of Prorocentrum Donghaienses to dissolved organic matter (DOM) fractions incubated in urea ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 常粟淮 黄旭光 2022-09-15 二区
21 Thalassiosira weissflogii grown in various Zn levels shows different  ecophysiological responses to seawater acidification MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 王兆飞 黄旭光 2022-11-07 三区
22 Preparation of carbonyl, hydroxyl, and aminofunctionalized  microporous carbonaceous nanospheres from syrupbased waste  to remove sulfamethazine Environmental Science and Pollution Research 胡小红 黄泱 2022-04-01 三区
23 Hollow C, N-TiO2@C surface molecularly imprinted microspheres with  visible light photocatalytic regeneration availability for targeted  degradation of sulfadiazine Separation and Purification Technology 李巧 黄泱 2022-10-15 一区
24 Enzyme-controllable just-in-time production system of copper hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles with oxidase-mimicking activity for highly sensitive colorimetric immunoassay TALANTA 赖文强 赖文强 2022-05-13 一区
25 Low-toxic, fluorescent labeled and size-controlled graphene oxide quantum  dots@polystyrene nanospheres as reference material for quantitative  determination and in vivo tracing CHEMOSPHERE 梁洁玲 李顺兴 2022-08-19 二区
26 Urchin-like, Surface-Positively Charged, Double-Shelled SnS2@TiO2 for Protecting and Enhancing Adsorption and Photocatalytic Activity to Remove High Concentrations of Anionic Pollutants Journal of Physical Chemistry C 郑静茵 李顺兴 2022-07-12 三区
27 BenefitRisk Assessment of Dietary Patterns by Bioavailable Metals, Gut Microbes, and Their Interaction for Human Health JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 满珊 李顺兴 2022-07-13 一区
28 Photodegradation Kinetics and Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Colorimetric Method for Bioavailability-Based Dissolved Iron Speciation ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 骆嘉燚 李顺兴 2022-10-14 一区
29 The preparation of schwertmannites/mesoporous carbons and its application in simultaneous determination of paracetamol and dopamin JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY 康贤禹 李艳彩 2022-10-01 四区
30 /生物质衍生氮掺杂多孔碳纳米复合材料的 制备及对甲醇氧化反应的电催化 无机化学学报 方惠燕 李艳彩 2022-10-18 四区
31 Single-Step Synthesis of Fe-Fe3O4 Catalyst for Highly Efficient and Selective Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction ChemSusChem 谢慧琪 凌云 2022-11-08 二区
32 Matrix-free nitrogen-doped carbon dots with room temperature phosphorescence for information encryption and temperature detection MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 聂玉静 聂玉静 2022-04-01 二区
33 In Situ Probe of the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction Intermediates on PtRu a Bimetallic Catalyst Surface by CoreShell NanoparticleEnhanced Raman Spectroscopy NANO LETTERS 林秀梅 厦门大学 2022-07-13 一区
34 Dual Signal-based Electrochemical Aptasensor for Simultaneous Analysis of Lead(II) and Mercury(II) in Environmental Water Samples Biosensors and Bioelectronics 高凤 汪庆祥 2022-08-01 一区
35 Novel Electroactive Ferrocene-based Covalent Organic Frameworks towards Electrochemical Label-free Aptasensors for the Detection of Cardiac TroponinI Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 宋志平 汪庆祥 2022-10-01 一区
36 Sea urchin-like NiMoO4 nanorod arrays as highly efficient bifunctional catalysts for electrocatalytic/photovoltage-driven urea electrolysis Chinese Journal of Catalysis 陈晨欣 汪庆祥 2022-05-01 一区
37 Immunoaffinity-Induced Signal Depression of Cu-MOF-74 for Label-Free Electrochemical Detection of Cardiac Troponin I Journal of Physical Chemistry C 凌云 汪庆祥,凌云 2022-06-09 三区
38 The integration of conductive ploymelamine and NiFe hydroxides to boost the electrochemical overall water splitting Electrochimica Acta 陈莹玉 汪庆祥,邹泽华 2022-09-10 二区
39 Decreasing arsenic accumulation but promoting arsenate biotransformation in Microcystis aeruginosa regulated by nano-Fe2O3 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 陈艳 王振红 2022-04-09 三区
40 Colorimetric Picomolar-Level Determination of L-Cysteine with Fabricated N, Fe-Codoped Carbon Dots as a Peroxidase Mimic ANALYTICAL LETTERS 翁羽晖 翁文 2022-05-03 四区
41 Nonflammable, robust and recyclable hydrophobic zeolitic imidazolate frameworks/sponge with high oil absorption capacity for efficient oil/water separation Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 项文龙 项文龙 2022-10-05 二区
42 Hollow CoS2 anchored on hierarchically porous carbon derived from Pien Tze Huang for high-performance supercapacitors DALTON TRANSACTIONS 薛艳雪 杨谦 2022-12-13 二区
43 Fabrication of PEBA/HZIF-8 Pervaporation Membranes for High Efficiency Phenol Recovery ACS Omega 薛艳雪 杨谦 2022-07-12 三区
44 Double passivation of alkali metal ion and organic ligand towards enhanced photoluminescence and stability of Cs3Cu2X5 (X]Cl, Br and I) nanocrystals JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 周艳梅 张茂升 2022-10-15 二区
45 Green synthesis of highly stable CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals using natural deep eutectic solvents as solvents and surface ligands Nanoscale 卢姮 张茂升 2022-12-14 二区
46 Ratiometric fluorescence sensing of temperature based on perovskite nanocrystals and rhodamine B doped electrospun fibers RSC Advances 谭晓红 张茂升 2022-08-30 三区
47 Cu2+Assisted Synthesis of Au@AgI Core/Shell Nanorods via In Situ Oxidation of Iodide: A Strategy for Colorimetric Iodide Sensing Journal of Analysis and Testing 蔡志雄 张茂升 2022-02-21 四区
48 Palladium catalyzes hydrogen production from formic acid: significant impact of support polypyrrole NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 张燕辉 张燕辉 2022-10-21 三区
49 Synthesis of TiO2/MOF-801(Zr) by a wet impregnation at room temperature for highly efficient photocatalytic reduction of Cr(Ⅵ) SOLID STATE SCIENCES 王雪晶 张燕辉 2022-07-01 三区
50 Effect of Sm3+ co-doping on the luminescence behavior of Pr3+-activated  Sr3Al2O6 orange-reddish phosphors Solid State Sciences 刘思源 郑子山 2022-12-01 三区
51 Effects of Mg2+ on enhancing luminescence efficiency for a red long  persistent phosphor γ-Zn3(PO4)2: Mn2+ Inorganic Chemistry Communications 张思危 郑子山 2022-10-10 四区
52 Multi behaviors of Dy3+ for improving the luminescence properties of  Pr3+-activated Sr3Al2O6 orange-reddish phosphors CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 闫松鹤 郑子山 2022-11-16 四区