Ø 近年来主持或完成的科研项目(部分)
6.福建万安化工科技有限公司,邦定金属粉、高温粉的研发(2018062),2018.11-2019.11, 项目经费5.5万;
Ø 近期以第一作者或通讯作者发表的论文(部分)
1.Yishan Li, Xiaohong Tan, Shaoru Wu, Wenping Hong, Jiamin Luo, Shanshan Zhao, Libo Sun, Jinming Lin, Qiang Chen, Maosheng Zhang*.Dual-emission ratiometric fluorescence sensor based on in situ formation of MAPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals in europium metal-organic frameworks for detection of methylamine gas.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 426 (2025) 137092
2.Jiamin Luo, Heng Lu, Bao-Ying Wen, Qiaowen Zheng, Junying Zhang, Yishan Li, Wenping Hong, Shanshan Zhao, Libo Shun, Feiming Li, Zhixiong Cai, Jin-Ming Lin, Qiang Chen*, Maosheng Zhang*, Jian-Feng Li*.Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as Absorbing Solution and Preparation Solvent of Perovskite Nanocrystals Simultaneously for CH3I Gas Visual Sensing. Analytical Chemistry,96,15816-15823.
3.Qiaowen Zheng, Yanmei Zhou , Jiarong Huang , Heng Lu, Shaoru Wu , Junying Zhang, Yishan Li, Wenping Hong, Xiaohong Tan , Jinming Lin, Qiang Chen, Feiming Li, Zhixiong Cai, Maosheng Zhang*. Cs3Cu2I5 perovskite nanocrystals embedded in room temperature curable deep eutectic solvents for sensing NH3 gas.Journal of Alloys and Compounds 986 (2024) 174155.
4.Heng Lu, Xiaohong Tan, Guobin Huang, Shaoru Wu, Yanmei Zhou, Junying Zhang, Qiaowen Zheng, Tianju Chen, Feiming Li, Zhixiong Cai, Jingbin Zeng, Maosheng Zhang*. Green synthesis of highly stable CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals using natural deep eutectic solvents as solvents and surface ligands. Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 17222 - 17229 DOI: 10.1039/d2nr04173a
5.Xiaohong Tan, Heng Lu, Yanmei Zhou, Shaoru Wu, Guobin Huang, Xudong Wang, Jingbin Zeng, Feiming Li, Zhixiong Cai, Maosheng Zhang*. Ratiometric flfluorescence sensing of temperature based on perovskite nanocrystals and rhodamine B doped electrospun fibers. RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 25106
6.X. Zhang, H. Sun , J. Huang, Q. Zheng, F. Zhang, H. Li, M. Zhang**, J. Zeng*, Z. Yan. Alkalized Mxene-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron in situ derived from NH2-MIL-88B(Fe) for the highly effificient catalytic reduction of 4- nitrophenol[J]. Materials Today Sustainability. 18 (2022) 100145
7.Yanmei Zhou, Shaoru Wu , Guobin Huang, Jingbin Zeng, Benjamin Edem Meteku, Xiaohong Tan, Heng Lu, Feiming Li, Zhixiong Cai, Xudong Wang, Maosheng Zhang*. Double passivation of alkali metal ion and organic ligand towards enhanced photoluminescence and stability of Cs3Cu2X5 (X]Cl, Br and I) nanocrystals[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds 918 (2022) 165565
8.Guobin Huang, Yanmei Zhou, Feiming Li, Xiaohong Tan, Zhixiong Cai, Dengfeng Luo, Tianju Chen, Maosheng Zhang*. An effective and reliable fluorescent sensor for selective detection of methylamine gas based on in-situ formation of MAPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals in electrospun fibers[J]. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 347 (2021) 130618
9.XiaoHong Tan, GuoBin Huang, ZhiXiong Cai, FeiMing Li, YanMei Zhou, MaoSheng Zhang*. Monodisperse Spherical Sandwiched Structured SiO2@CsPbX3@SiO2 Perovskite Composites for the Determination of Fe3+ Ion in Water Samples[J]. Journal of Analysis and Testing (2021) 5:40-50
10.Guobin Huang, Feiming Li, Zhixiong Cai, Maosheng Zhang*. Synthesis of highly luminescent CsPbxMn1-xCl3 perovskite nanocrystals via using metal-organic Mn-Complex as precursor[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 791 (2019) 621-627
11.Maosheng Zhang*, Guobin Huang, Jiarong Huang , Weilan Chen.Three-dimensional multi-walled carbon nanotubes@g-C3N4@Fe3O4 nanocomposites-based magnetic solid phase extraction for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples[J]. Microchemical Journal. 142 (2018) 385–393
12.Maosheng Zhang*, Guobin Huang, Jiarong Huang, Ling Zhong, Weilan Chen. Magnetic solid phase extraction with octahedral structured Fe3O4@SiO2@polydimethylsiloxane magnetic nanoparticles as the sorbent for determining benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in water samples[J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 41862
13.Maosheng Zhang*, Jiarong Huang. Layer-by-layer coated molecular-imprinted solid-phase microextraction fibers for the determination of polar compounds in water samples[J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 94098
14.Maosheng Zhang*, Jiarong Huang, Jingbin Zeng, Congmin Zhang. Silicon dioxide–poly(dimethylsiloxane) with abilayer structure, incorporating multi-walledcarbon nanotubes, supported on stainless steelwire as a solid-phase microextraction fiber for the determination of trace phthalate esters in drinkingwater samples. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 12313
15.Maosheng Zhang*, Jiarong Huang, Jingbin Zeng. Ultrasonic-Assisted Drop-to-Drop Solvent Microextraction in a Capillary Tube coupled with GC-FID for Trace Analysis of Phthalate Esters. Journal of Chromatographic Science. (2014)52(7): 739-744
16.Maosheng Zhang, Jingbin Zeng, Yiru Wang, Xi Chen*. Developments and Trends of Molecularly Imprinted Solid-Phase Microextraction. Journal of Chromatographic Science. (2013) 51 (7): 577-586
17.Maosheng Zhang, Jiarong Huang, Changlin Wei, at el.Mixed liquids for single-drop microextraction of organochlorine pesticides in vegetables[J], Talanta, 74(2008) 599.
18.Maosheng Zhang, Jiarong Huang, Ping Yu at el. Preparation and characteristics of protein molecularly imprinted membranes on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotubes[J], Talanta, 81(2010) 162.
19.Binbin Yu, Jingbin Zeng, Lifen Gong, Maosheng Zhang, Limei Zhang, Xi Chen*. Investigation of the photocatalytic degradation of organochlorine pesticides on a nano-TiO2 coated film. Talanta, 72(2007) 1667.
20.Maosheng Zhang*, Jiarong Huang, Xianghua Zheng, Lijuan Wu. Ultrasonic-Assisted Drop-to-Drop Solvent Microextraction in a Capillary Tube for Analyzing Trace Benzene, Toluene, Xylene in One Drop of a Water Sample[J]. Chromatographia, 72(2010)1163
21.Zhang Mao-sheng*, Huang Jia-rong, Zheng Xiang-hua, Xie Qiong-fang. Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Based on Solidification of Floating Organic Drop with Gas Chromatography for Analyzing Trace Benzene, Toluene, Xylene in Water Samples. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities.2011, 27(6): 939
22.黄国斌,骆登峰,张茂升*.多色高发光效率CsPbX3(X=Cl,Br,I)钙钛矿量子点的制备及其在发光二极管中的应用[J]. 应用化学,2019,36(8): 932
23.周艳梅, 郭睿云, 吴少如, 谭晓红, 卢 姮, 张茂升.深共晶溶剂液液微萃取测定痕量苯系物的研究[J].闽南师范大学学报(自然科学版).2021, 34(3):82
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2.“高温强耐候性粉末涂料创新团队”获得2020 年福建省高等学校科技创新团队(产业化专项)立项
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