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陈晓萍,女,新加坡国立大学化学博士,现任闽南师范大学化学化工与环境学院教授,主要从事电化学传感器和分子电子学的功能性器件研究。2021年获得福建省C类高层次人才(海外引进),2022年入选福建省闽江学者奖励计划特聘教授,2023年入选福建省雏鹰计划青年拔尖人才,2024年获得闽南师范大学龙江学者优青人才。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、福建省雏鹰计划青年拔尖人才项目1项、闽江学者特聘教授基金1项、福建省自然科学基金青年1项、闽南师范大学校长基金1项、闽南师范大学高级别培育项目1项及大学生创新创业项目3项。目前已在包括Nature NanotechnologyNature CommunicationsThe Journal of American Chemistry Society等期刊上以第一作者发表逾十篇论文。




1. 2014-8.2018  新加坡国立大学,化学系,理学博士;导师:Assoc. Prof. Christian A. Nijhuis

2. 2007-7.2010  福州大学,药物分析学,药学硕士;导师: 陈国南教授

3. 2003-7.2007  福州大学,制药工程,工学学士,导师:唐凤翔教授


1. 2022.1-至今  闽南师范大学,化学化工与环境学院,教授

2. 2021-2021.12  闽南师范大学,化学化工与环境学院,讲师

3. 2020-2018.12  新加坡国立大学 (under Assoc. Prof. Utkur Mirsaidov and Prof. Christian. Nijhuis), 生命科学系(DBS)与高级二维材料研究中心(CA2DM),博士后研究员

4. 2018-2018.12  新加坡国立大学 (under Prof. Christian. Nijhuis),化学系,研究助理(提前入职)


1. 入选闽南师范大学“龙江学者”优青人才,2024

2. 入选福建省“雏鹰计划”青年拔尖人才,2023

3. 入选福建省“闽江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,2022

4. 福建省高层次人才C类(海外引进),2021

5. 新加坡国立大学博士奖学金,2014-2018

6. 中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,2018

7. 最佳科研工作奖, 化学系, 新加坡国立大学,2017

8. 福州大学优秀硕士毕业论文,2011



22024年,福建省雏鹰计划青年拔尖人才项目(无); 2024-04-172028-12-31









1.Chen, X.; Roemer, M.; Yuan, L.; Du, W.; Thompson, D.; Barco, E.; Nijhuis, C. A. Molecular Diodes with Rectification Ratios Exceeding 105 Driven by Electrostatic Interactions. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2017, 12, 797-803. (IF=39.8, JCR 1)

2.Chen, X.; Kretz, B.; Zhang. Z.; Chi, X.; Yu, X.; Egger, D. A.; Nijhuis, C. A. A single atom change turns insulating saturated wires into molecular conductors. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 3432 (IF=17.7, JCR 1)

3.Chen, X.; Volkova, I., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Nijhuis, C. A. Gradual Change between Coherent and Incoherent Tunneling Regimes Induced by Polarizable Halide Substituents in Molecular Tunnel Junctions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 33, 23356–23364.

4.Du, W.; Chen, X. (共同一作); Wang, T.; Lin, Q.; Nijhuis, C. A. Tuning Overbias Plasmon Energy and Intensity in Molecular Plasmonic Tunneling Junctions by Atomic Polarizability. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 31, 21642–21650.

5.Chen, X.; Nijhuis, C. A. The Unusual Dielectric Response of Large Area Molecular Tunnel Junctions Probed with Impedance Spectroscopy. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2022, 8, 2100495 (IF=7.3, JCR 1)

6.Amini, S.; Chen, X. (共同一作); Chua, J. Q. I.; Tee, J. S.; Nijhuis, C. A.; Miserez, A. Interplay between Interfacial Energy, Contact Mechanics, and Capillary Forces in EGaIn Droplets. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 28074-28084. (IF=10.4, JCR 1)

7.Chen, X.; Annadata, H. A.; Kretz, B.; Zharnikov, M.; Chi, X.; Yu, X.; Egger, D. A.; Nijhuis, C. A. Interplay of Collective Electrostatic Effects and Level Alignment Dictates the Tunneling Rates across Halogenated Aromatic Monolayer Junctions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 4142-4147. (IF=7.3, JCR 1)

8.Chen, X.; Hu, H.; Trasobares, J.; Nijhuis, C. A. Rectification Ratio and Tunneling Decay Coefficient Depend on the Contact Geometry Revealed by in Situ Imaging of the Formation of EGaIn Junctions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 21018-21029. (IF=10.4, JCR 1)

9.Chen, X.; Salim, T.; Zhang. Z.; Yu, X.; Volkova. I.; Nijhuis, C. A. Large Increase in the Dielectric Constant and Partial Loss of Coherence Increases Tunneling Rates across Molecular Wires. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 45111-45121 (IF=10.4, JCR 1)

10.Chen, X., Ni, J., Yang, W., Ke, S., Zhang, M., Low voltage-driven, high-performance TiO2 thin film transistors with MHz switching speed, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 6058-6063.

11.Roemer, M.; Chen, X. (共同一作); Li, Y.; Wang, L.; Yu, X.; Cazadee, P.; Thompson, D.; Nijhuis, C. A. Supramolecular Tunnelling Junctions with Robust High Rectification Based on Assembly Effects. Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 19683-19691.

12.Shi, Z.; Ke, S.; Meng, W.; Wang, Z.; Guo, M.; Jiang, X.; Liu, K.; Lin, Z.; Chen, X. Double modulation of the electric field in InGaAs/Si APD by groove rings for the achievement of THz gain-bandwidth product. Physica Scripta, 2024, just accepted.

13.Song, Z.; Luo, T.; Ke, J.; Hu, S.; Yang, W.; Ni, J.; Chen, X.; (共同通讯作者) Chen, Z.; A new-style pohotoelectrochemical sensing device based on NH2-UiO-66@Bi2O3 for the sensitive detection of hydrogen sulfide, Microchemical Journal, 2024, 206,111669.

14.陈晓萍,王旭潭,刘宁,汪庆祥,倪建聪,杨伟强,林振宇. MOFs基微流控电化学芯片对多种重金属离子的实时在线检测. 高等学校化学学报, Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2024, 45(2), 20230395, doi: 10.7503/cjcu20230395. Chen Xiaoping, Wang Xutan, Liu Ning, Wang Qingxiang, Ni Jiancong, Yang Weiqiang, Lin Zhenyu. MOFs-based Microfluidic Chips for Real-time Online Determination of Multiple Heavy Metal Ions. Chem. J. Chinese Universities. 2024, 45(2), 20230395.

15.陈晓萍,黄士,郭千千,刘宁,倪建聪,杨伟强,林振宇. 镓铟共晶-自组装单分子层的功能性分子结研究进展. 高等学校化学学报, Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2025, 46(X), 20240451.

16.Chen, X., Ye, H.; Wang, W.; Qiu, B.; Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for glucose based on Graphene/Nafion/GOD film modified glass carbon electrode. Electroanalysis. 2010, 22, 2347-2352. (IF=2.5)

17.Chen, X., Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Heated microelectrode chip (HMEC) and its application for CAF detection. The he 10th annual symposium of of national analytical chemistry conference. Chin. J. Anal. Chem. 2009, 137, F135. Supplement. (IF=0.9)

18.Chen, X., Jiang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Comparisons of the influence of solution heating and electrode heating on ECL of MCLA. Proceedings of the 10th national electroanalytical chemistry conference. (2008) P625.

19.Chen, Y. Chen, X., Lin, Z.; Dai, H.; Qiu, B.; Sun, J.; Zhang, L.; Chen, G. An electrically heated ionic-liquid/multi-wall carbon nanotube composite electrode and its application to electrochemiluminescent detection of ascorbic acid. Electrochem. Commun. 2009, 11, 1142-1145. (IF=4.8)

20.Lin, Z.; Chen, X., Chen, H.; Chen, G. Electrochemiluminescent behavior of N6-isopentenyl-adenine/Ru(bpy)32+ system on an electrically heated ionic liquid/carbon paste electrode. Electrochem. Commun. 2009, 11, 2056-2059. (IF=4.8)

21.Ye, R.; Chen, X., Qiu, B.; Lin, Z. Electrochemiluminescent behavior of Ru(bpy)32+/carbofran system on an electrically heated microelectrode chip. Chin. J. Chem. 29, (2011), 2148-2152. (IF=5.5)

22.Cai, Q.; Chen, X., Qiu, B.; Lin, Z. Electrochemiluminescent detection method for glyphosate in soybean on carbon fiber-ionic liquid paste electrode. Chin. J. Chem. 29, (2011), 581-586. (IF=5.5)

23.Liu, Y.; Huang, L.; Zhu, X. Chen, X., Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Nano-Au/MWNT modified ECL electrode for analysis of glucose. Proceedings of the 10th ational electroanalytical chemistry conference proceedings. (2008) P369.
